day old to three week old, unsexed, $6 each
Sexed females $8, males $2
(four week old to 12week old , unsexed, $8
Sexed $10, males $2 (none available yet!)
Sexing is about 90% accurate
NO point of lay pullets available until January 2008, prices start from $20
Buff Silkie Breeding pen
Rooster is a ginger colour, good temperment
first pullet is also a ginger colour
these pullets are a pale buff
Black and WHite silkie breeding pen
The rooster is black and i have 2 black pullets and 2 white pullets,
The rooster is black and i have 2 black pullets and 2 white pullets,
so chickens coming out black, white or white with stripes or black with markings. i was told that i could get a blue silkie out of a white pullet and black rooster, but i dont think i have had one yet.
Light Sussex breeding pen
I do have 6 other pullets in this pen, but the others were shy, so will get some more photos soon. one sussex i bred last year has been winning champion large softfeather at the local shows! these pullets are 12 months old, a very good size!
FINally the actual CHickens for sale
the sussex are still hatching today, so they are still in the incubator. you can sort of see the mix of colours black and buff. i dont know if there are many white, will have to look.
Please contact Suzie on 54670088 or email me at